Where every life matters
"They caught all the Wild Children, and put them in zoos,
They made them do sums and wear sensible shoes.
They put them to bed at the wrong time of the day,
And made the sit still when they wanted to play.
They scrubbed them with soap and they made them eat peas,
They made them behave and say pardon and please.
They took all their wisdom and wildness away,
That's why there are none in the forests today"
-Jeanne Willis from Wild Child

The Wild Survival Academy is a specialist training company dealing with experiential outbound training. Our instructors are from the Armed Forces and naturalists who have immense experience in living life, the Primitive Way with Survival at the core. They are specialist Survival Trainers.
We have designed special modules for students and children of all age groups to give them Life Skills to become a survivor in all spheres of life. The basic survival training module will enable a child to learn essential skills to handle emergencies and develop the confidence to tackle challenges in life.
We lay emphasis on Wilderness Survival Skills as the activities in the wild connect a child to nature and inculcate the love for our beautiful planet. These activities are based on survival techniques to live off the land. The child learns to make a shelter, Make a fire, Food and Water apart from techniques in direction finding by day and night, navigation, ropes, knots and lashing for construction of rafts, bridges, etc. They also get trained in wilderness cooking and basic foraging skills. They get a deep understanding of how the early man lived in a hunter-gatherer society. We expose them to techniques in primitive pottery, making primitive weapons for self-defense, making clothing from the material available in nature as also learn how to make fire by friction. In the longer camps, they get involved with locals and tribals to understand their way of life and how they coexist with nature and forests. Students may also undertake voluntary service with such communities during the program.
We teach Wilderness First Aid to them as also self-defense techniques.
They will learn how to stay safe in different situations whether it is a forest fire, wild animal or dealing with floods, terror strikes, etc.
We Conduct the following types of Survival Training Bootcamps
1. Full-day Workshops
2. Overnight camps
3. Three to five-day-long camps
4. Long Term Association for Nature clubs and regular workshops.
We conduct these boot camps onsite i.e within or near the school premises or at any of our associated nature camps located at Himachal, Kodaikanal, Coonoor Sikkim, Goa, and other places which are rich in Forests and Wilderness. We have dedicated camping sites in Hyderabad and Bangalore.
Our programs are customized as per the requirement of the schools and the students. It is one of the best programs which contributes immensely to CAS ( Creativity, Activity, and Service)
Get in touch with us today to know more